Backup Backup with PS4

Saving game data for a gamer is vital and in some cases can be a life-saving straw (at least in the game). The ability to backup using a USB flash drive, the PlayStation 4 system has found with the release of version 2.50. And the forces of PS4 fans have found a second life, transferring along with the stored data (on a flash drive) and reborn on another console or on another hard drive.


To save personal gaming material you need to prepare a flash drive.

Drive preparation

Preparations consist of a pre-performance check and formatting into a FAT32 or exFAT file system.

Simply the difference between them is that the first of the formats does not save files that exceed the four-gigabyte limit, and does not stack the files as tightly as the second, which was created specifically for the large flash drives that appeared.

Just in case, do not use the "fast" format.

Copy order

  • First of all, do not forget to put together information about the prizes collected. To do this, in the menu "Prizes" from the "Options" you need to select "Synchronization with the network ...".
  • The next step is to install a properly prepared (ready-to-work) flash drive to the selected USB port.
  • In the “Settings” of the “System” go to the “Create / Restore ... Copies” select the “USB Disk” and select the items you need to save using the X button.

  • In the subsequent dialog, the system will provide the opportunity to assign a name to the saved item.
  • Starting the save will begin after selecting the "Save ..." command. A progressive recording process will be visible on the indicator light.

Important notes

  • If you have an account (account) in the PS Network, then you can recreate at any other gaming station.
  • In the absence of an account, recovery is possible only on the one with which the reservation was made.
  • When saving to a USB flash drive, backups will be located at PS4 / SAVEDATA.

Alternative copying

Data can not only be downloaded to a USB flash drive. There is another way to remove gaming backups from PS4.

But it is available only for PS Plus subscribers.

To implement this function in the "Settings" of the "System" there is a section "Management ... data."

Before you transfer them to the cloud service, you can select “Saved in the system storage” in it.

Then tick the favorites and save in the cloud by clicking the "Send" button.

Recovery from a flash drive

If you haven’t lost, accidentally deleted or, God forbid, your saved data, dear to your heart, have been damaged (use the cloud!), Then it will be easy to restore them:

  • Again in the “Settings” of the “System” we move to the “Create / Restore… Copies”.
  • Reinstall the USB flash drive with the saved backup into the selected USB port.
  • Select in "Create / Restore ..." "Saved ... to USB".
  • Activate the "Copy to system memory" command.
  • Saving will begin after ticking the necessary files and tap on the “Copy” button.

Similarly, backup recovery from a cloud service is performed.

Now you not only know how to save game data to a USB flash drive, but also be able to save it to a cloud service, which is more reliable in terms of the safe preservation of files. Save, recover.

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