UsoClient.exe process: virus or standard operation

Starting a personal or portable computer is a technologically complex process in which the device loads all the operations necessary for the further operation. On productive PCs, the process takes several seconds, it remains almost unnoticed by the user, in slower devices the procedure takes a little longer. Contemplating the process of starting the computer, sometimes the user notices how a black screen appears on the screen when changing graphic elements for a few seconds, with text accompanying UsoClient.exe. Such a precedent causes panic: under the stamp of such an operation can hide anything, up to the virus infection of the PC, with all the ensuing consequences. In this article we will tell you what this “strange” console is, with a no less obscure inscription as to why it appears, serves as a threat to the performance of a computer or not, how to “fight” it and whether there is a need for it.

Danger process UsoClient.exe.

The essence of the inscription UsoClient.exe: what is this process

Each user of a computer device should closely monitor the processes performed on the PC, since the possibility of further uninterrupted operation of the device directly depends on this. Naturally, such a precedent as the appearance of the console with black fill and any text message should not be overlooked: this situation can act as a standard process when launching a laptop, and an alarm signal about the introduction of the virus into the system, which can significantly disrupt the OS. In any case, the need to find out what kind of UsoClient.exe notification exists, with the search for the answer to the question, is this precedent dangerous for the computer and the operating system, or there is no reason for worrying.

UsoClient.exe - is a modification of the file with the exe extension, belongs to the category of "executables", which implies the implementation of the process of launching certain tasks performed by the PC during its operation, designed specifically for Windows 10. The process refers to standard operations for the tenth version of Windows launched by the Task Scheduler, determines the correct functioning of the stock application of the system called Windows Update. Accordingly, due to the functional purpose, the file belonging to the "system components", the console with the notification UsoClient.exe does not constitute a threat to the PC and its performance. For users who, for whatever reason, “interfere” with this process, who want to remove the operation from the boot components, it is necessary to figure out whether this task is doable, with a preliminary search for the file in the system, which will be discussed further.

The specifics of the appearance and location of the file

If the user is interested in the problem of launching the console with the UsoClient.exe notification, it means that he has already had to deal with a similar precedent on his laptop. A console window appears, as a rule, at a certain stage of starting the computer, and the visual manifestation takes place as follows: for a few seconds, a console with a black screen appears in the process of starting the laptop, the upper line of which contains the name with the access address to the UsoClient.exe file . After a few seconds, this window disappears, the boot process continues in normal mode. Sometimes a similar precedent occurs when loading certain categories of applications, however, such cases are extremely rare in practice. Often this process is even visually imperceptible if the laptop has decent technical parameters for performance and the OS is loaded quickly.

You can find the conditional file at the address specified in the upper line of the console that appears: often it is C: / Windows / System32, sometimes the folder C: / winSxS can be the location of the system component. The location of the conditioned object at a different address indicates the dubious origin of the file. Stopping the operation of this process is not mandatory, since the operation does not affect the performance of the laptop, however, if such a need arises, the user can remove the operation from the software tasks on his own, knowing the procedure for performing the procedure.

How to block the process

Since the UsoClient process is attributed to the system ones, there is no practical need to block it, and the user must understand the responsibility for disabling the operation of the system tool. The file is directly responsible for updating the system elements of the operating system in automatic mode, therefore, after disabling the conditioned function, the user will need to perform updates in a manual format, systematically, in order to function correctly in the OS. If user irritation from the pop-up console has higher priority than the need for subsequent manual system updates, then you will have to turn off the process by following the rules:

  1. Through the "Run" window, which is called in Windows 10 by simultaneously pressing the WIN and R keys, enter the "Task Scheduler" menu by entering the Taskschd.msc directive in the "Open" line. The opened application is directly responsible for deleting, updating, correcting and stopping system tasks.
  2. To stop the UsoClient process, you will need to find the UpdateOrchestrator folder in the opened registry and open it with the right key of the manipulator.
  3. In the right pane of the window, a list of tasks will open up, among which you need to find the Schedule Scan file, click on it with the mouse, which will make it possible to access the “Actions” section.
  4. Under the heading "Actions" in the registry "Selected item", right-click the manipulator and click on the "Disable" item.

After the manipulations, restart the PC for the changes to take effect: the download of the laptop will no longer be accompanied by the appearance of the UsoClient task.

Exclude variant with viral infection of PC

Although the UsoClient element is ranked as a system element, the probability that the resulting process has a malicious, viral support exists. Evidence that the file has a viral origin may be its non-standard location:

  1. The file, when starting the PC, is loaded from an address that does not correspond to C: / Windows / System32.
  2. There are several UsoClient.exe files in the System32 registry, with a slight difference in the name, which indicates the originality of only one procedural document.

Such situations may be the fact of infecting a computer with virus components that are hidden under a name that has an identical or similar name with the system process in order to more effectively conceal the threat from the PC owner. The assumption that the file is viral in nature requires immediate, drastic measures, with antivirus orientation, to check the system for viruses and remove them in parallel. For this purpose, the user can use any available antiviral software installed on the PC, for example, AdwCleaner, Spyware Doctor, CCleaner or similar applications and functionality. Scanning and deleting detected threats with a reliable anti-virus utility will solve the problem, remove the question of the emergence of the UsoClient process of malicious nature, and the use of the utility will contribute to cleaning and optimizing the work of the laptop.


The appearance of the UsoClient console when the laptop is loaded, if the process address is C: / Windows / System32, has no problem support, indicates the start of the system update task, which is related to standard procedures in Windows 10 and is not a cause for panic. In situations when the appearance of the console is critical for the user, the process can be stopped by performing the simple manipulations described in the article. After completing the removal procedure of the UsoClient task, do not forget about the need to regularly update the system using manual methods, in order to optimize the functionality of the PC, and systematically scan your laptop for viruses for preventive purposes.