Installing and removing widgets on Android

Recently, in all operating systems, such a thing as widgets has become quite popular. Spent a few years in a cryogenic camera and do not know what incomprehensible graphic elements are full on your Android-smartphone? How to remove them or, conversely, add new ones? Then it is worth learning more, learning how to manage them and, if necessary, be able to install or remove.

How to install or remove widgets on Android.

What it is?

A widget is a gadget or part of a program that displays certain information on the main screen of a device. Thus, you do not need to open the program itself or dig into the settings to get data that you need quick access to. These additional utilities have many applications in Android. For example, you can view received messages without opening the mail client, scroll through the tape, without opening the social network. There are also independent ones: clock, CPU load, weather, currency converter, etc. They are fairly easy to install or remove.

For Android today there are a huge number of widgets. Some can be downloaded via Google Play, while others are available by default. In addition, you can change the size of these dynamic images, place them on the screen in the most appropriate way. It's time to learn how to put them or remove.

How to put?

With the fact that such widgets, we figured out. Now it is necessary to figure out how to install them on the screen in Android.

  1. Tap (click) on the free space on the main screen and hold until the menu appears.
  2. There we select the “Widgets” tab.
  3. From there we transfer to the screen any utility we like.

This is the traditional way to put any downloaded or standard dynamic window in Android. But some programs have personal controls, they can not always be installed in this way. If we download such an application, it will itself prompt us to add a dynamic window to the workspace.

These expanded labels in Android are also convenient because you can change their size. To do this, hold, and then either try to stretch the movement of the fingers, or in the settings, select the desired value. But it is worth noting that not every element can be changed.


Removing interface elements is as easy as installing. In some versions, you need to hold your finger on the icon and wait until the basket appears. Just throw the graphic module into it. On other Androids, we hold our finger in a free space on the screen, and then click on the cross that appears on each icon and widget.

If you delete this mini-application in this way, then after that you can safely return as described above. But it may be that the widget itself is an independent utility. Then you can delete it through the menu, selecting the "Applications" tab and finding the one we need. After that, the utility can no longer be added.

Now you know what widgets are in Android, how to manage them, how to install and delete them. These wonderful mini-applications can significantly facilitate the work with a smartphone or tablet. The main thing - do not overdo it and leave space for other shortcuts.