Resolving the error "Terminated Windows Explorer"

Although Windows Explorer is not a very popular program among users, it is still useful, but it is Explorer that can cause quite a few problems and errors on a computer, which, fortunately, is not difficult to solve on your own. In this article we will figure out how to fix the error "Windows Explorer stopped working." Let's get started. Go!

“Windows Explorer stopped working” is a common, but correctable error.

Some users encounter a problem by opening a folder or shortcut, or by simply clicking on a specific file, the Explorer process (also known as Explorer) restarts, causing the corresponding message to appear on the screen. Typically, these messages occur infrequently, but sometimes this can happen all the time, and you start to think that Microsoft decided to try your patience.

In fact, you need to understand that Windows OS is not to blame for anything. The cause of the error is the work of some program on the computer that makes changes to Explorer itself. Of course, everyone is primarily concerned not with why this happens, but how to fix it so that everything works properly. Just about that later in the article.

First of all, it is necessary to find out which program installed on the PC causes this error. This can be done in two ways: by editing the Windows registry (exclusively for advanced users) or by using the special utility ShellExView (you will need basic knowledge of the English language).

Let's analyze the simplest option that will suit most users, namely through the ShellExView program. Before you start downloading, determine the bitness of your operating system to download the appropriate version of the program. Unzip the archive with ShellExView and run the executable file as administrator. Run the utility through a right click to avoid possible crashes of the Explorer process.

When the utility window opens, click on the "Company" column to group all add-ons by developer. After that, you need to disable all add-ons from Microsoft (select the appropriate line and click on the red circle or press F7 on the keyboard). Now close the program and reboot. Work for a while to make sure the error is gone. If you need one of the disabled extensions, open ShellExView and enable it. See if the error appears again. Thus, including in turn each addition, it is possible to reveal which of them is problematic and refuse to use it.

There is another reason that can cause a similar problem - malware. If the above method did not solve the problem, then most likely the reason is precisely this. Update the antivirus database and run a full system scan. Use only licensed antivirus. Download free licensed antivirus software is no difficulty.

If the antivirus also did not save the situation, the only way out is to reinstall the operating system, but this does not happen often, so do not worry in vain. As a rule, such a mistake is quite harmless.

Now you know how to fix the error "Windows Explorer stopped working." As you can see, it is quite simple. Write in the comments if this article helped you, tell other users how you coped with the problem, and ask if you have any questions on the topic.