Installing the bracket for the TV: how to choose and independently hang on the wall

Modern LCD TV is an ergonomic and slim device. It can not only be put on the nightstand, but also hang on the wall. To do this, it is best to use the bracket - a special mount for monitors. So they will not interfere or occupy too much space. However, it is not so easy to choose this product correctly, find a place for it, attach it so that it keeps well and does not fall together with an expensive screen. Many call for this professional installers. Read how to hang a TV on a wall with a bracket, and you can do it yourself. You do not have to look for a master and pay him money.

For convenience, many hang their TVs on the wall.

An instruction should be attached to these units, in which it is written in detail where to attach each element. If you decide to hang your own TV, you will need the tools and help of a partner - he will hold the structure while you screw it.

How to choose a bracket?

First you need to learn how to choose a TV bracket on the wall. In most cases, these products are universal. They have a lot of holes for mounting any LCD screens. However, the acquisition of such a unit must be approached wisely.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the weight that the structure is able to withstand. If you have a heavy TV, then it should be installed on a powerful frame and a solid wall. Such products look impressive and are quite expensive. But mounting a large screen on an inappropriate basis is dangerous. He may fall.

The maximum weight and diagonal of the monitor should be indicated in the documentation that is provided with the bracket. Also this information is on the box of the product. It is better to examine it carefully before purchasing. If it says that the TV can weigh a maximum of 40 kilograms, it means that setting the monitor to 70 kilograms will fail. The design will not stand.

When the time comes to choose a frame, look at what type of mount is used in your TV. FPMI - Flat Display Mounting Interface is now common everywhere. It dictates a certain distance between the holes. For example, in large monitors this is 20 centimeters, in those that are smaller - 10. Also different models of screws are used, which will have to be fixed to the TV.

Any bracket is multi-functional and supports different types of displays. But before purchasing it, it is worth examining the monitor documentation - the type of attachment should be indicated there. If you have not saved this data, just measure the distance between the holes to check in advance whether they match the holes in the frame, and whether you can hang a TV on it.

These units come in different models. In some, the screen can be rotated, in others it does not move. To understand how to choose a TV bracket on the wall, decide which product you prefer to use.

  • Fixed. The display is where it was screwed. You can not rotate it or position it so as to better see the image. We'll have to watch movies sitting in one place. This is the cheapest mount option.
  • Inclined. Perfect if you want to hang the TV upstairs. The monitor can be slightly tilted towards the intended viewers. And do not need much bully.
  • Inclined and rotary. Includes a variety of mounts. They are united by one thing: the screen with such a bracket can be twisted as you like. In some models, a rotation of 30 degrees is available, in some - by 90. There are even options in which the display rotates freely around its axis. With such a frame it will be easy to find the perfect place for TV. After all, you can enjoy cinema from any corner of the room. Just turn the screen to yourself.
  • Ceiling. Fixed to the ceiling.
  • There are special types of fasteners. For example, for non-standard monitors. Or with shelves for other equipment.

How to choose a suitable place for the bracket and TV?

TV should not be hung on the first wall. If it is made of unreliable or fragile material, it is not recommended to attach heavy objects to it.

Choosing the right place for the display is easy. There are several factors to consider:

  • The monitor should be located at eye level. It is not necessary to accurately verify the distance. Just sit where you will watch TV programs and imagine that there is a screen opposite you. Evaluate whether it is conveniently located, whether you should tilt your head, strain the muscles of the neck.
  • It is impossible for the monitor to rest directly on the wall. Leave a gap between them.
  • It is advisable to hang the display near the outlet. To make it easier to turn it on.
  • At the same time in the place where you will drill, there should be no wiring. If you don't know where it is going, use a metal detector or something similar. In this case, it is better not to risk it.
  • And, of course, the device should fit organically into the interior, not disturb the composition, and not rest against the edges in the cabinets, bedside tables or windows. Do not shade any elements of decor. It is desirable that the design of the room initially provided for the presence of TV in it.

How to install the bracket?

A set of necessary parts, documentation with information about characteristics and some tools (the latter is optional) should be supplied with the unit. There is always an instruction there. It describes how to assemble the frame, which screw to put, from which side to hang the monitor. Specific instructions vary by model and manufacturer.

Before attaching the TV bracket to the wall, check for any wiring. And look at the material with which to work. It depends on what screws to choose.

  • Excellent option - concrete or brick. However, they should not crumble or fall apart. Otherwise, the mounting bolts just fall out with the bracket. For installation, screws that are included in the construction kit are suitable. If they are not there, take dowels for concrete and bricks with a length of 50 millimeters.
  • With a wooden base you have to be a little more careful. Make sure it holds the weight of the monitor with the frame. Use specialized self-tapping screws (from 30 mm) for work with a tree.
  • Drywall is not a very reliable material. Mount it massive units is not recommended. If you still decide to try, use butterfly plugs. They "unclamp" at the end when they are completely screwed. You can "strengthen" sheets of drywall, connecting them with plywood. Or attach the structure directly to the metal profile.
  • Plaster. It is necessary to fix the frame on the bolts (6-8 mm) with nuts. Pre-grease the holes for them with white glue. Drill through the wall. Place washers under the nuts. Attach the bracket should be after the glue dries.

First mark with a pencil where the holes will be. To keep the tv hanging straight, use the building level. You can “attach” the frame to the surface and draw points there for future holes. Or measure the construction, and then “transfer” these calculations to the wall. One part of the unit should be fixed on it, the other - to be screwed to the monitor. Subsequently, they must be connected.

Before drilling, check the level, whether the bracket will hang evenly. If the frame is heavy, call an assistant who will hold it while you install the screws. For some, you may need a screwdriver, for others - a wrench. It is better to assess in advance what details will have to deal with, and prepare the necessary tools.

Tighten the bolts as much as possible. It is better to use electronics, for example, a screwdriver. If the fastener is weakened, both the equipment and the frame will fall to the floor.

To figure out how to install the TV bracket on the wall, you do not need to be an installer. If you hesitate to handle a drill or, in general, have never taken it in hand, it is better to entrust this business to a professional. But if you already had to drill holes, you can hang a TV on the wall.