Enable or disable JavaScript in popular browsers

Every modern user spends a lot of time on the Internet. Accordingly, most of the time you have to work with the browser. In order to make the work in the program wider, and all the viewed content looked better, some additional elements are being introduced by the developers. In this article we will look at how to enable JavaScript in the browser or turn it off, as well as what it is and how it can affect the work on the Internet. Let's figure it out. Go!

JavaScript is a browser-based programming language that allows websites to look better and be more functional. How to activate it in a specific browser, later in the article.

Google chrome

Running Chrome, click on the icon in the upper right in the form of three horizontal bars to bring up the menu. Then select “Settings”. In the window that appears, click, click "Show advanced settings." Next, in the section with personal data, go to the settings of the content. Then enable JavaScript on all sites.

Internet Explorer

Open “Internet Options” on your computer or go there through the “Tools” menu in Internet Explorer. On the “Security” tab, click on the “Other” button. In the Security Settings tab, enable active scripts and Java application script execution.


Go to the Opera quick settings menu. You will see a list in which you need to mark the line "Enable JavaScript" with a bird.

Mozilla firefox

While in the program, go to the tool window. In the list that opens, click on the item "Settings". On the "Content" tab, check the box next to the "Use JavaScript" line. Please note that in newer versions of Mozilla this feature is not necessary to include, as it is activated by default. To disable, write in the address bar (without quotes) "about: config". In the search box write "javascript.enabled". Having marked the lines with the “default” status, click on the “Toggle” button.

Yandex browser

Since it is based on Chrome, everything is done in a similar way here. Clicking on the icon in the form of three horizontal lines, go to the settings. Then click on “Show advanced settings”. In the section "Protection of personal data" go to the settings of the content. Enable or disable the use of JavaScript depending on what you want to do: turn it on or off.

Disabling is done in the same way as switching on for each specific browser. With the only difference that you will need to remove the bird (point) from the appropriate item.

Now you will know exactly how to activate or deactivate JavaScript in any browser. This will allow you to customize the look of the pages, making them more functional or more secure, depending on your preferences. Write in the comments if the article was useful for you and ask if there were any questions on the topic.