Correcting the error “The required media driver was not found

This error occurs when you try to install Windows on your PC from a disk or flash drive. As a rule, an explanation comes to it - rather vague, in which it is indicated that the reason may be either in removable media or in the hard disk of a computer. In fact, the latter is incorrect - the matter is in the media, or the information recorded on it.

Correcting the error "The required media driver was not found."

Causes of the problem

The reasons for the error “the necessary driver was not found” are not too many, and they are all associated with the carrier:

  1. The system installation program does not support USB0, and the flash drive is inserted into this connector.
  2. Incorrectly recorded distribution: a failure occurred during copying, the disk / flash drive was formatted incorrectly, you used a questionable recording program.
  3. You downloaded / created a damaged OS image.
  4. Spoiled drive that poorly reads certain types of drives.

In the latter case, the solution is very simple - you can copy the image to a USB flash drive and try to download it from it. On the other points, we will focus more.

USB 3.0 not supported

Either the flash drive or the new system does not support USB 3.0, which is why the necessary media driver, which the OS accesses during installation, is not located. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into another connector - USB0. Modifications 3.0 and 2.0 have a visual difference: if you look deep into the first, then there will be a small blue insert, and the second - black or white.
  2. Overwrite the image on the media that works with standard 2.0.
  3. You can also, in addition to the system image, download drivers for 3.0, unpack them from the executable file, and then specify the path to them during the installation.
  4. Insert drivers 3.0 directly into the system image file. It is suitable for people with relevant knowledge.

System crashes when writing system

It can be said that this is the most common cause of problems. Any stage of creating a bootable flash drive or disks with Windows 7.8 10 is accompanied by the risk of losing important elements. This may be due to:

  • The downloaded system image that does not meet the installation requirements does not have the necessary elements;
  • technical problems in the recording process: an interruption of electricity, loss of connection between the flash drive and PC;
  • incorrect operation of the program through which the boot media is created;
  • An old flash drive or disk that was idle for a long time, and then used to write - over time, they are poorly recognized by the system.

An ISO image downloaded not from the official site is always a lottery: perhaps it will include all the necessary information, but maybe not. Windows is a paid system, everything that is offered for free is processed by hackers and has no guarantees. Try downloading an image from another source. Also, some programs for recording boot drives are ineffective: they do not take into account the specifics of the operating system, and the output is completely unsuitable for use. Check this hypothesis - use another application to write and see if there is a problem with finding the driver. Format the drive - perhaps the problem lies in the old information stored on it.

Faulty equipment

Especially often this happens with disks: scratches appear on them, traces of hands, scuffs. The drives themselves are also unreliable: over time they fail and read the drives selectively, ignoring some varieties. Sometimes flash drives that have not been used for a long time also deteriorate: their connection to a PC becomes unstable, and this affects the quality of the image recording.

Additional Information

Occasionally, but it happens that a faulty RAM is to blame for a failed boot record. Try using another PC for this purpose. And then check the status of the device using a special utility.