Functions of translator bots in Telegram

Probably, of the entire abundance of bots in Telegram, one of the most useful bots are translators, especially considering the initial absence of Russification. Such robots in abundance and, accordingly, it will not be possible to touch everyone, but it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the four most popular ones.


He is the most popular translator in the “Telegram” open spaces from Yandex. Do a search using the name "@ytranslatebot". Unfortunately, he does not have Russification, but this in no way affects the convenience and quality of work.


All that is required of you is to “communicate” with the translator with the phrases or sentences that you need to translate. By the way, the translation is carried out in any direction, that is, from English to Russian or from Russian to English.

Two more commands are available for work:

  • “/ Mylang” - to change the main language used;
  • “/ Setmylang” - for changing the translation language, 12 options are available.


The key feature of this robot is the presence of a certain similarity of the explanatory dictionary of foreign words.


This is done using the “/ ruen” command, which must be inserted before the search word.


This is the easiest option for Telegram. There are only two types of work - this is translated into Russian from English and vice versa.


Everything is as simple as possible, no frills, but for the sake of justice it’s worth saying that the transfer speed of “@transnow_bot” is significantly inferior to the more functional competitor “@ytranslatebot”.


As for the main functionality of the bot, it is essentially no different from the same “Transnowbot”. But there is one thing, whether it is beneficial or, on the contrary, depends on the preferences of the user. It lies in the fact that when trying to translate a phrase, the bot often offers the option of replacing or editing and adding punctuation marks.


For example, the bot was asked a question in Russian: “a program for translation but not complicated, ” as you can see, the phrase does not have the necessary punctuation marks. The response is a message of the following nature: “Is there any program to translate from Chinese into English? “You can buy software from Chinese to English.” How to evaluate it, decide for everyone for themselves, but it is clear that the answer is significantly different from the question asked.

The bot translator in Telegram is a good tool for those who want to translate a couple of words or phrases quickly and without any difficulty, but if the main task is language learning, then in this case it is better to turn to another option, for example, " Mike, or the Elbot interlocutor.