Creating a drop-down list in the Google table

If you have to do the work associated with completing the table in Google, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with all the possibilities that the developers presented to users. There are a sufficient number of table functions that can significantly facilitate the performance of any tasks, as well as contribute to improving performance.

Google users can incredibly impress with their incredible potential drop-down list, which they actively use when they often have to use the same values. It is especially useful to use such a list when creating a Google spreadsheet, when it is important to prevent errors often made by users when entering identical data. This is very important when the introduction of formulas oriented to specific words or meanings is to come later. Even one incorrectly written letter is able to provoke unpleasant incidents, to display an incorrect report, and also because of it, the formula you entered will not be able to work properly.

If you don’t know how to create a drop-down list in Google tables, we’ll help you figure it out.

Basics of creating a list

If you decide to learn how to create a list, using which you can not type the data, but only select them, you first need to make the table itself.

Decide what results you want to receive later, add additional columns if necessary. Only after you create a tabular form, you can proceed to direct practical actions aimed at forming a drop-down list form. Of course, it is also important for you to decide what values ​​you are ready to contribute to it. It is important to remember that you cannot enter any missing value in the list into the cell, regardless of the active efforts that you enclose. You can add the missing value to the drop-down list at any time, if it was you who created it or if the tabular form is not accompanied by the imposition of a password that you do not know. Only after making changes will you be able to add additional values ​​added by you to the cells.

Algorithm of creation

Find free space on the sheet where the table you created is located, or on a completely different sheet. Enter each word in a separate cell of the table, placing each subsequent word below the previous one.

Enter list items in google spreadsheet

After that, go back to the tabular form, select the column in which the data should be entered, consisting of those words that you just wrote. Select a cell by clicking on it with the left mouse button, you can select the entire column at once, which is subject to such changes. Next, we suggest that you find the “Data” parameter in the main horizontal menu, and also hover the mouse over it. After opening an additional submenu, select the “Data Verification” line.

Check data in the Google table

Now a window will open in which you can make your "wishes", or rather, set certain tasks in front of the Google table.

Context menu of data validation in the Google table

In this window you will encounter such parameters as:

  • range of cells;
  • regulations;
  • actions for invalid data;
  • registration.

On what values ​​you specify in this window of peculiar settings, the performance of your table will depend. In particular, the range that you have already selected can be automatically determined in the line next to the “Range of cells” parameter. If you have not done so, you can specify the address of the first and last cell to which you would like to distribute the drop-down list.

Near the "Rules" parameter you will find two cells. The first one contains “Values ​​from a range”, it is better not to touch it when it is important for us to make such an especial list, but in a cell located nearby, you need to register the address where you typed the words you need for the table. And also next to these cells you will see an offer from the developers. If you check the checkbox next to the line “Show drop-down list in a cell” in the checkbox, it will be quite easy to identify the cells that the drop-down list was distributed in, because you will notice a peculiar gray triangle in the cell. When you select a cell, the list will immediately open, the user will only have to select the appropriate value.

Below, next to the “For invalid data” parameter, the developers arranged two options for action:

  • prohibiting the introduction of non-relevant list of values;
  • demonstrating a warning about the introduction of erroneous values.

Using the drop-down list in the google spreadsheet

There remains the last proposal of the developers, which is activated on condition of ticking the checkbox next to the “Design” parameter. Immediately after this, a line will appear below, in which you will be prompted to enter a warning text message that interests you. After you manage to completely fill all the lines in the open window, do not forget to click on the "Save" button. We suggest you check the result of your own work, pay attention to the Google spreadsheet and make sure that only the words that you designate can be entered in some cells. By the way, we emphasize that in such cells you can write words that correspond strictly to the list that you have defined, and you can also simply click on the value in the opened list form that interests you at a particular moment.

So, as you can see, even a user who has never encountered such tasks before can create a drop-down list in the Google table. You just need to familiarize yourself with the algorithm and act in accordance with the recommendations that we shared with you.