Reboot to Bootloader feature on Android devices

A smartphone or a tablet on Android is, in fact, the same computer that works on similar principles. When it is turned on, it also first starts a special program similar to the computer BIOS and it polls the available devices. Only after that the actual operating system starts, all the beauty of which we see on the screen. On the computer, we can press the Delete or F2 key when starting the computer and get into the BIOS settings, and there you can do a lot of things if you wish. But is it possible on a smartphone? Yes, on most devices you can enter these settings before the operating system starts, and it is very easy to do this.

Use the Reboot to Bootloader feature on Android devices.

What is Reboot to Bootloader on an Android device?

Translated from English "bootloader" means "bootloader". This essential piece of software on any smartphone or tablet runs the kernel of the operating system and other important programs. This bootloader is triggered immediately after you turn on your phone, and it has passed the testing phase. His work is not visible, but very important. The word "reboot" means "reboot." What is “reboot to bootloader” for Android in this case? This means an intermediate step between starting the device and starting the bootloader. It is at this point that you are when you enter the BIOS of the computer - it has already passed the testing phase and works quite well, but the operating system has not yet started. In the smartphone or tablet based on Android, it is also possible to enter the menu Reboot to Bootloader - this function is called. To do this, turn off the device and then turn it on while holding down the power and volume down buttons. On Samsung devices, you can hold the Home button instead of volume. On some devices, this function is blocked and enter the menu will not work. Using the capabilities of this function, you act at your own risk. So you can permanently spoil your device!

What can be useful function Reboot to Bootloader

After starting this function, you will see a menu that may differ on different devices. All inscriptions in it are in English. The control is carried out with the volume control buttons - to move up and down the items, the Home button to select the item and the side buttons, if there are options around them. The menu usually has items where you can see detailed information on available devices, test their work or the work of the entire system. Also here you can unlock the bootloader, fix software errors, and even download another firmware. Usually, to get Root-rights, they install some third-party program, but it does not guarantee results. You can get these rights by simply unlocking the bootloader. Also, it is possible to debug applications and even uninstall them with conventional means - some viruses may be hidden under them. You can clear the cache - the accumulation of a lot of "junk" files that constantly accumulate when the system is running. Sometimes it helps when the device is malfunctioning and often “buggy”. Finally, in this menu it is possible to roll back the device to the factory settings and return it to its former stability and performance.

Risks of using Reboot to Bootloader

You cannot enter this menu without special knowledge - there is a risk to turn the device into a “brick”. In addition, all the information is in English, so be sure to focus on what is written.

  • Incorrect actions can lead to the appearance of various errors in the operating system. Removing important components may result in it not being able to boot at all.
  • There is a danger of damage to the data stored on the device, not only on the flash drive, but also in the main memory. Therefore, you must first save important files to another medium, for example, copy to a computer.

All this means that only a person with the necessary skills and knowledge, and not an ordinary user, can use the Reboot to Bootloader function.