Correctly installing Webmin Ubuntu Server

Configuring Linux components using Terminal is not always convenient even for professionals. Therefore, today graphical interfaces are increasingly used - even for those tasks where the use of text commands leads to faster results. A separate topic is the installation of Webmin Ubuntu - the ability to use a graphical web-interface to manage the server.

Installing Webmin is required to work in graphical interfaces instead of the terminal.

Why is this so relevant? Among technical specialists, the speed of the systems is highly valued. Working with solutions that would slow down the server is unacceptable. Especially if the available resources are not so great. That is why such complexes as Webmin are valued especially. Thanks to them, you can get access to server resources in any place where there is a computer, Internet access and a browser for work.

A bit of theory

Webmin is a web-based interface that is designed to manage servers based on Unix-shaped systems. It is one of the simplest and most convenient solutions for solving problems of this kind. Here are its advantages:

  1. Helps to save time on server management.
  2. Allows you to configure networks, as well as firewalls for them.
  3. Supports data backup.
  4. Allows you to perform fine tuning of the OS.
  5. And has many other useful features.

Technically, Webmin consists of a simple web server, as well as numerous scripts that make it flexible and fast. Files with the program settings can be changed either manually or using the “Webmin Configuration” block - in the graphical interface.

If you want to install Webmin for Ubuntu for commercial use, you can do it for free. The program is distributed with a BSD license.

Proceed to install

First you need to make changes to the file “sources.list”:

"Sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"

At the end of the file you need to insert the following lines:

"Deb // sarge contrib

deb // sarge contrib »

After that, the file must be saved. Saving and exiting the editor is performed using the combinations “Ctrl + O” and “Ctrl + X”, respectively.

Next, you need to import the Gnu Privacy Guard key:

"Wget //

sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc »

Made? Now update the list of data sources for download:

"Sudo apt-get update"

Now on Ubuntu Server, installing Webmin becomes a matter of two seconds. Run the command:

"Sudo apt-get install webmin"


To start Webmin, you need to enter in the address bar of the browser "// (domain name or server IP): 10000" It remains only to enter the username and password when you log on to the server. This must be done with administrator rights. Everything!


We looked at the example of installing one of the best web-based interfaces on Ubuntu. Now you can easily manage your server from anywhere in the world, as well as configure it in a convenient and functional application. If you have questions or want to share your opinion - join the discussion of programs in the comments on all pages of our site.