SSL Error ERROR NO CYPHER OVERLAP: Causes and Methods to Resolve Browser Failure

Computer devices are recognized at the present time, the best assistants of people in terms of information retrieval, the possibility of virtual communication, performing professional and user tasks. Few people can imagine the exploitation of a laptop without having access to the Internet, however, the process of “wandering” across the expanses of the World Wide Web contains not only positive aspects, but also precedents associated with the possibility of infection of a computer device with viruses.

In order to provide protection against threats, up-to-date, licensed antivirus programs are installed on computer devices, in addition to security software modified to the operating system. In addition, browsers installed on PCs that are directly intended for exploiting Internet resources have been modified with specific security protocols that increase the criteria for protective functions on a laptop. Often, the last component of protecting your PC from viruses is the reason for the appearance of the SSL ERROR NO CYPHER OVERLAP notice on the screen, which restricts user access to one or more sites.

In this article we will tell you the essence of this error, the possible causes of its occurrence, we will analyze effective ways to eliminate the failure.

The essence of the error class SSL

The problem, which appears to the user with the SSL cipher, indicates the impossibility of connecting to the Internet against the background of a virus threat.

An error window opens.

The SSL option is the so-called “security protocol” of the Internet connection, which has been working as an encryptor and has been modified in the operation of servers and browsers for several decades, ensuring the protection and confidentiality of the transmitted information. At present, the due protocol has been replaced by a modernized and improved TLS standard; however, some websites and browsers still need an outdated technical protocol, which causes the appearance of software conflicts that are expressed by a deterministic error.

Often, the use cases, when a user tries to visit an unknown site, do not cause confusion, are taken for granted, trying to find the necessary information using a different source. However, there are also situations when a user contemplates the error code SSL ERROR NO CYPHER OVERLAP when visiting a well-known trustworthy website that was previously available to use, which necessitates understanding the true causes of the “lags”, which we will discuss later.

Connection failure provocateurs

It is not a secret to anyone that, in order to eliminate a failure, it is important to determine its specific root cause, which predetermines the methodology for dealing with a malfunction. It is noteworthy that the error expressed by the appearance of the message SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP on the screen often occurs during operation, as the web browser used, the Mozilla Firefox browser updated to 34 modifications, however, a similar precedent, although rare, can occur also when using other browsers.

Mozilla Firefox browser logo

The updated program, due to software nuances, at a certain stage of work, ceases to perceive the SSL protocol as secure, blocking by default all sites used by the stipulated standard as an encoder. The barrier component provided by anti-virus software, modified by the browser developers, does not allow working correctly with sites using the SSL protocol, restricting access to them. The reason for such a precedent can be, as an attempt to open a virus-infected material that threatens the security of your PC, or a software conflict when loading trustworthy resources.

Connection Failure Methodology

Based on some uncertainty in the dilemma of whether the SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error is indicative of a computer infection threat, or is a false alarm, how to rectify the situation should be approached with extreme caution, eliminating the scenario according to the first scenario.

Initially, before proceeding with cardinal actions, it is important to install a reliable anti-virus program on a computer device, or use an application that is responsible for PC security that was installed earlier and check the system for viruses. It is advisable to use for this purpose powerful utility functionality of licensed origin, which minimizes the likelihood of infecting a PC.

Avast Free Aantivirus launch window

After scanning the laptop for viruses, professionals recommend running a utility that helps optimize computer performance, authorizing memory clearing of unclaimed information, cached files, and stopping applications running in the background. To this end, you can use the popular and effective free software CCleaner, or similar to him on the principle of operation. After the executed manipulations, you need to restart the laptop, and try to re-enter sites that could not be accessed.

If the result is unsatisfactory, it is worthwhile to proceed to a more radical correction of the error, which provides for the temporary disabling of the antivirus program. Such a decision may entail unforeseen consequences, because it is worth weighing the positive and negative aspects of such an action, before disarming the PC, leaving the software without high-quality protection, especially if the site you are looking for is doubtful about the reliability. Alternatively, you can try to launch the site using other browsers installed on your PC.

Situations where the described options did not give a real result are extremely rare, however, are possible. Sometimes the lack of results is also caused by the reluctance to use a different browser, due to habits or principles. In such situations, you can try to correct the case with no connection by making changes to the browser settings. The procedure can be performed by performing the following tasks intended for the Mozilla Firefox browser as the most prone to the occurrence of this category of errors:

  1. Launch the main web page of the browser, enter the directive about: config in the search box.
  2. Confirm responsibility for the changes in the application dialog box.
  3. Enter the command “security.tls.version” in the search line, after which a window opens with a list of parameters, among which you need to find and change the data in the “security.tls.version.min” and “security.tls.version” categories one by one. fallback-limit ”from one to zero.

    Step by step we enter directives in the search box about: config

  4. Reload the laptop and test the method. Often, such actions give a positive result.

It should be noted that the zero parameters in the stipulated points disarm the browser, putting it on vulnerable positions in front of malicious content, therefore, after performing the required tasks, it will be necessary to put edinichki in the registry, returning protection to the browser.

For other browsers, if the problem with loading sites is not limited only to the Mozilla browser, you can use the options to change the protection level in the security and privacy settings by changing the settings from the “High level of protection” position to “Medium”, which often solves the problem.


Error code SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP, with knowledge of how to deal with it, is easily eliminated, but to eliminate it very often implies the need to take actions that involve minimizing the security level of the PC system.

The decision to deal with an error by removing the protection from the software is risky for the consumer, since there is a high probability of downloading a virus to the laptop disguised as specific consumer files, documents or content of another category, which has serious consequences if an unreliable site is used.

Sometimes, more practical, from the point of view of rationality and security, will be the decision of the consumer, which consists in changing the browser, or operating other sites to gain access to the desired content.