Save in CorelDraw image in JPG or JPEG format

If you often have to deal with graphics processing, then such concepts as "vector" and "raster" graphics, of course, are familiar to you. It is a different matter when a novice receives a task to process a graphic object, but at the same time he doesn’t understand at all how to save an image in Corel in jpg format, what is the difference between a vector format and a raster format.

How to save the image in JPG or JPEG format.

We will help to understand the distinctive features of these two types of graphics, as well as explain how to save any vector image to jpeg in Korela.

Work with graphic formats

If a task has been set that is determined to be reformatted from one graphic format to another, it is useful to understand not only how to practically implement it, but also why all these manipulations should be carried out.

Distinctive features of graphic formats

If you need to learn how to save from CorelDraw in jpg, it means that you need to make the raster vector format.

Raster graphics are accompanied by several quite popular formats:

  • Jpeg;
  • Png;
  • Gif;
  • Bmp

Raster drawings are accompanied by a certain resolution corresponding to a certain number of pixels per specific unit of length. The higher the resolution of the raster image, the greater the likelihood of increasing it without losing quality.

If you try to enlarge the bitmap with a small resolution, you will be disappointed with the result. Indeed, the drawing will be enlarged, but it will itself become blurred, fuzzy, with a noticeable loss of sharpness.

Vector drawings, on the contrary, can be enlarged to any size. At the same time there is no loss of sharpness, image quality.

However, vector drawings have some drawbacks, so they cannot take leading positions everywhere. Vector graphics are seriously inferior in the presence of tones and semitones of raster graphics. Working with photos in vector format is also not very convenient, since the photo will more resemble the drawing of the artist, but not the photo.

For this reason, sometimes it becomes necessary to opt for raster formats. However, if the image was created earlier in CorelDraw, you have to look for ways, as in CorelDraw, save the desired image to jpeg.

Reformatting algorithm

So, trying to figure out how to save an image from Korela to jpg format, initially launch the program CorelDraw itself. Navigate to the “File” parameter located in the horizontal top menu bar, there you will find the “Open” line, click on it and specify the path to the image that you need to reformat into raster format.

Now in the main window of the program the desired image will open. If you wish, you can perform some actions with it. For example, slightly increase or decrease it. After you are satisfied with the result of your correction work, you can save the resulting drawing in a raster format.

There are no difficulties in this. You just need to click on the “File” menu item again and select the “Export” line. After such your actions will open your usual save window. In it, specify which folder you want to save the image. In the line below "File Type", select the option that you need, in particular, jpeg.

Do not rush to press the "Export" button. Below you will see another useful button "Parameters". If you click on it, you will have the opportunity to make some important changes for you. Experienced users recommend ticking the “Keep proportions” checkbox. You can set specific values ​​for the width and height of the image, its resolution.

TIP. In the next window that appears after clicking on the “Export” button, you can again express your creative start by making changes to some parameters.

It is easy to make such changes, since it is enough just to move the slider left or right. The good thing is that you will instantly see the result, there is the possibility of matching the new image with the initial one. If all the settings you have done satisfy you, click the “Ok” button, the program will reformat your drawing by itself.

So, having gathered the information on how to save any drawing from Korela to jpeg, you were able to make sure that you wouldn’t have to perform any complicated manipulations. All actions are simple and to perform, and to understand.