Calculation of interest in Excel

Very often, Microsoft Excel is used precisely for carrying out various calculations, data analysis, solving mathematical, engineering and economic tasks. An extensive set of features implemented directly in the program, or loaded as add-ons, allows you to use Excel for any direction. Solving simple math problems, such as calculating interest, is something that can be useful for every user, both at work and at home. In this article we will look at how to calculate percentages in Excel. Let's figure it out. Go!

Microsoft Excel solves many mathematical tasks.

Let's figure out how is the percentage of the number or amount. For example, there is a table containing numeric values. To make it more convenient, make a separate table for the results of calculations. It is important to understand how the calculation is performed. To do this, make a proportion. Solve the proportion by multiplying the numbers diagonally and dividing the result by the number opposite to the desired diagonal. For example, if you want to calculate 7% of the amount of 123456, the expression will look like this: x = 123456 * 7/100.

See cell addresses containing the values ​​used for calculations. Assume that these are addresses B1 (123456) and E7 (7%). The formula that must be entered in a special field of the program should look like (without quotes): “= B1 * E7 / 100%”.

To calculate the 7% of the range of values ​​in the table, add an absolute cell reference (add the “$” sign). For the considered example, the syntax would look like this: “= B1 * $ E $ 7/100%”. The formula can be simplified to the form: "= B1 * 0.07". The output will be exactly the same.

A similar problem can be solved and vice versa. For example, if the amount is known, but the percentage (%) is not known. In this case, it is also necessary to make a proportion by constructing a mathematical expression on its basis.

Cells containing the result of calculations should be made in a special format so that all the obtained values ​​are displayed with a “%” sign. To do this, select the desired range of cells, and then right-click on any of them. In the menu that opens, select "Format". Go to the “Number” section, click on the “Percentage” item. Having established such a format, the program itself will multiply the result by 100, adding the “%” sign. Having chosen such a format, it is necessary to change the formula so that the calculation is carried out correctly.

All tasks of this type are solved by creating a proportion. Based on what exactly is sought, the values ​​are multiplied and divided differently, however, the approach itself is always the same.

If you want to add% to the sum, for example, to 7589 (from cell C3) add 12%, write the following formula: “= C3 + C3 * 0.12” or “= C3 + C3 * 12%”. In this kind of assignments, many make a mistake, forgetting to calculate the percentage of a specified amount before adding it. An incorrectly composed expression looks like this: “= C3 + 12%”.

Now, if you need to quickly calculate the percentage of a series of numbers, you can easily cope with this task using Microsoft Excel. Leave a comment if the article helped you to deal with the difficulties encountered, and ask questions if something was unclear.